Deploy Vyos router on Qubinode

VyOS is an open source network operating system based on Debian GNU/Linux.

VyOS provides a free routing platform that competes directly with other commercially available solutions from well known network providers. Because VyOS runs on standard amd64, i586 and ARM systems, it is able to be used as a router and firewall platform for cloud deployments.

Tested on

  • Fedora 37

  • RHEL 8.7

Configure dependancies

For Quick install:

cd ~/qubinode-installer
./qubinode-installer -m setup
./qubinode-installer -m rhsm
./qubinode-installer -m ansible
./qubinode-installer -m host
./qubinode-installer -p kvm_install_vm

Create Vyos builder Images -This will be used to build the Vyos image

The following script will crete the debian builder vm internal network:

$ sudo ssh-keygen -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa -t rsa -N ''
$ ./qubinode-installer -p vyos_router -m create

The following script will crete the debian builder vm on a external network:

$ sudo ssh-keygen -f  /root/.ssh/id_rsa  -t rsa -N ''
$ cat playbooks/vars/kvm_host.yml | grep use_vyos_bridge #set use vyos bridge to true the default is false
use_vyos_bridge: true

./qubinode-installer -p vyos_router -m create

In new tab ssh into the builder VM

In order to start the build process you will need to ssh into the builder vm and run the following commands:

sudo su - root
ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa  debian@
sudo su - root

Configure a router image vyos env file

Onece on the builder vm you will need to download the vyos-env file and update the variables then run the script:

# wget
## edit vyos-env and update the variables
# vim vyos-env
# wget
# chmod +x
# ./ create

Deploy vyos-router on Qubinode

Once the builder vm has created the vyos image you can deploy the image on Qubinode:

# cd ~/qubinode-installer
# ./qubinode-installer -p  deploy_vyos_router -m create  vyos-r1.qcow2

For vShpere deployments

Download the ova and deploy it to vcenter the ssh into the router vm and run the following commands:

# ssh vyos@ #example ip address you can get the ip by logging into vcenter and looking at the router vm the user name and password is vyos/vyos
# curl -OL
# chmod +x
# bash # you will have to reload the ssh session if you are using a different ip address.

You will have to modify the network adapters before you boot up the ova see the example settings below.

To Destory builder vm

In order to destroy the vyos-builder vm you will need to run the following command:

./qubinode-installer -p vyos_router -m  destroy

To Destory the router vm

In order to destroy the router vm you will need to run the following command:

./qubinode-installer -p deploy_vyos_router  -m  destroy  vyos-r1.qcow2

Default Network info for Vyos router

  • vyos-network-1 will use dhcp with nat for the vms.

  • vyos-network-2 uses static ip without nat for the vms.
