Quick Start

Getting Started

The first step is to get RHEL 9 based operating system installed on your hardware

Suppoted Operating Systems

Fedora 37

Make sure the following packages are installed on your system before startng the install:

sudo dnf install git vim unzip wget bind-utils python3-pip tar util-linux-user -y

CentOS 9 Streams

Make sure the following packages are installed on your system before startng the install:

sudo dnf install git vim unzip wget bind-utils python3-pip tar util-linux-user -y

If you are using RHEL you can follow the steps below to get started.:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9

Make sure the following packages are installed on your system before startng the install on RHEL 9:

curl -OL https://gist.githubusercontent.com/tosin2013/695835751174d725ac196582f3822137/raw/de9534504434d07f0d85db6f352e72c32d397890/configure-rhel9.x.sh
chmod +x configure-rhel9.x.sh

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

Make sure the following packages are installed on your system before startng the install on RHEL 8:

curl -OL https://gist.githubusercontent.com/tosin2013/ae925297c1a257a1b9ac8157bcc81f31/raw/71a798d427a016bbddcc374f40e9a4e6fd2d3f25/configure-rhel8.x.sh
chmod +x configure-rhel8.x.sh

The qubinode-installer

Download and extract the qubinode-installer as a non root user:

cd $HOME
wget https://github.com/Qubinode/qubinode-installer/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
rm master.zip
mv qubinode-installer-master qubinode-installer

If you would like to develop the qubinode-installer you can clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/${YOUR_ID}/qubinode-installer.git
cd  qubinode-installer

Qubinode Setup

The below commands ensure your system is setup as a KVM host. The qubinode-installer needs to run as a regular user.

  • setup - ensure your username is setup for sudoers

  • rhsm - ensure your rhel system is registered to Red Hat

  • ansible - ensure your rhel system is setup for to function as a ansible controller

  • host - ensure your rhel system is setup as a KVM host

Validate sudo user for admin:

$ sudo cat /etc/sudoers | grep admin

$ sudo su - root
$ curl -OL https://gist.githubusercontent.com/tosin2013/385054f345ff7129df6167631156fa2a/raw/b67866c8d0ec220c393ea83d2c7056f33c472e65/configure-sudo-user.sh
$ chmod +x configure-sudo-user.sh
$ ./configure-sudo-user.sh admin
$ sudo su - admin

Start The Qubinode Installer:

cd ~/qubinode-installer
./qubinode-installer -m setup
./qubinode-installer -m rhsm
./qubinode-installer -m ansible
./qubinode-installer -m host

At this point you should be able to acces the RHEL system via the cockpit web interface on * https://SERVER_IP:9090

See the Qubinode Overview for more information on the diffent deployment options available.