
Tailscale is a zero config VPN for building secure networks. Install on any device in minutes. Remote access from any network or physical location.

Kcli deployment on Qubinode

For Quick install:

cd ~/qubinode-installer
./qubinode-installer -m setup
./qubinode-installer -m rhsm
./qubinode-installer -m ansible
./qubinode-installer -m host
./qubinode-installer -p kcli

Deploy TailScale VM using qubindoe bridge network

The following command will deploy a tailscale VM using the qubinode bridge network.:

sudo kcli create vm -p tailscale tailscale  --wait

Once the VM has been deployed you may login to tailscale website and autehnticate the VM. Example:

To authenticate, visit:


Connection information for tailscale vm

If you would like to access the vm use the commands below:

sudo kcli info vm tailscale
sudo kcli ssh tailscale